Privacy Policy

Loudon Investment Management, LLC collects nonpublic personal information about you from only one source:  you the client.  You furnish us with this information during either the account opening process or during the ongoing management of your account.  We use this information only for your own benefit.  We have no affiliates or affiliations with anyone who might use this information.  We do not have separate departments that might use this information to offer you other financial products or services.

We do not disclose any nonpublic information about you to anyone, even as permitted by law, except for the purpose of carrying out transactions for your account through your custody bank or broker.  When required by law, we will comply with the law and disclose only necessary information.  This could occur, for example, during a routine examination of our firm by securities regulators.  We may share certain information with others, but only as directed by you, in the management of your account.  This could include, but is not limited to, your attorney, accountant or tax advisor.

Loudon Investment Management, LLC limits access to your personal account information to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you.  We maintain both physical and electronic safeguards to protect your nonpublic personal information.

Loudon Investment Management, LLC does not act as a custodian for client accounts, and as such you should receive regular statements directly from the custodian for each managed account.  While all information supplied by Loudon Investment Management, LLC to you the client is believed to be obtained from accurate sources, we encourage you to compare custody or broker account statements with information provided by Loudon Investment Management, LLC.

This privacy policy applies to all current clients, former clients, and to anyone with whom we may have discussions as a potential client.

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Contact Info

Loudon Investment Management

24 Airport Rd
West Lebanon NH 03784

P: 603-298-7370

F: 603-298-7375

E: [email protected]


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